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 Step 1 Click PDF Selecting The Right Contractor C36 Plumber  Vs C55 Water Conditioning Contractor, Or Water Treatment Specialist

Repairs - System Diagnosis- Free Estimates

 $289 Minimum Diagnostic Repair Inspection Fee Per visit















Simply put, the C-36 Plumbing Contractor specializes in piping installation only!


 The C-55 Water Conditioning Contractor specializes in Water Conditioning systems and repairs such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Water Softeners, Conditioners, and Membrane Bioreactors (MBR).


The WBMSC Water Treatment Specialist specializes in both Plumbing, Conditioning plus, Water Distribution to your home, Water Treatment from the Plant and Wastewater Treatment Systems for your home.


  1. What to expect, if you want a more exclusive personable consultation service that requires a Water Treatment Specialist to come out to your home it will cost you. Phone consultation with a Certified Water Treatment Specialist to discuss your specific Water Softener/ Conditioners, Reverse Osmosis (RO), or  Tankless Water Heater error codes/ repair needs a $29.97 fee for 5 minutes. No question will be answered over the phone unless you pay the phone consultation fee, for the do-it-your-selfers


  2. Under-Sink Reverse Osmosis (RO)Water Softener/Conditioner, Tankless Recommendations, or Repairs require a $289 Diagnostic Inspection Service Fee, this is because all home pipes must be sized, for New Installation recommendations & repairs. For repairs, the C55 Water Conditioning Specialist must physically inspect each unit whether it is a Water Softener/ Conditioner, RO unit, or Tankless Water Heater because each error code has multiple problems & multiple solutions to repair your units. Also, each home has a different size of piping depending on the house size, to accommodate each home's water needs. The minimum pipe size is 3/4 by plumbing code, but often the large the home, the large the piping 1", 1"1/4, 1" 1/2 up to 2" to meet the minimum water demand.



WBMSC Water Treatment Specialists are paid expert Consultants & Reverse Osmosis (RO), Water Softener/Conditioner Repair specialists. We are whom you call when the homeowner is ready to take action and get the Job done Right the first time.


Minimum Repair Service Fee of $289


Are Free estimates really free?

Free phone consultations, diagnoses, and estimates cost TIme which cost the employer wages. This misallocation of company time often leads to small & large business failure.


Nothing for a business is free, everything costs employee time.  Free estimates for the Clients are not free! It cost the company time & resources in the form of wages that need to be paid to their employees for their time spent on projects, that are serving the homeowners. When the plumber or another specialist comes out for free they, pass the cost along to the next person but give an inflated quote to cover their cost. 


  1. Homeowners Seldom overlook the time and effort the time involved in researching their individual units.

  2.   Providing clients with multiple alternative cost options

  3. The time it takes an employee to sit on the telephone waiting on their water system warranty information. This cost is passed on to the business in the form of wages paid to the employee. If the company is spending all its time doing free work, how can it afford to pay its specialist that is serving you the homeowner?


So, I ask the homeowner to ponder this Rhetorical question...?


As a professional whichever your field of expertise, wheater you are a school teacher, lawyer, doctor, dentist, or engineer

could you afford, that 1, 2, or 3 million dollar home you would like the professional to service if you worked for free?


Of Course Not!


Hello, my name is Randy Watkins, and I am a Water Treatment Specialist & CEO of Waterboy Municipal Solutions Corp., I am a proud Member of The Union of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Have a Degree in Water Supply Technologies, A certified California State Water Resouces Control Board Grade 4 Water Distribution Operator, Grade 3 Water Treatment Operator, Grade 2 Wastewater Treatment Operator 

a Licensed California State License Board (CSLB) C-36 Plumbing Contractor & C55 Water Conditioning Contractor.

Specializing in Residental and Commercial Plumbing, Water Conditioning

Aka (Water Softeners, Conditioners, Reverse Osmosis (RO), Membrane Bioreactors (MBR)).

My Team is Ready to Serve You.


The Free Estimates Challenge. Receive an Estimate from our competitors. Provide a copy to WBMSC in writing, we will verify the price and I will try to beat their price by 7% percent for the same exact product.WBMSC does not do free Estimates, we Use Flat-Rate Up-front Pricing. Just click the Shop tab above and use the yellow cart bag when it's time to check out.


Call 805-350-8338
for Express Repair Service

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